Friday, November 25, 2016

Teaching and Learning through stories

The teacher's presentation was great.
The topic "Teaching and learning  through stories" is a method that now is used in many schools and the results are very favorable than in a traditional classroom.

Through stories we teach children to create, they learn to deduce and create their own stories.

With this teaching strategy children develop all their skills and they get interested in the subject, since they like to sing, to dance.

It is a very interesting topic, since, catching the attention of children is very difficult and with this method English teachers can achieve this challenge.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Practice in the community

The practice in the community was a pleasant experience, I learned a lot from the children and the people who live in Omas, it is a town located to 6 hours of lima in the province of Yauyos.
It has a beautiful landscape and the weather is nice.

The affection that children gave me was the most comforting I had, their smiles, their hugs, their desire to learn.

We carry out many works such as: workshops of all courses, dances, educational talks, nomenclature of the streets, gastronomic fair, among others.

I had the opportunity to teach english in primary and secondary.
For the closing day of the practice in the community we made a talent show, where the students presented different performances and the result was great.

They were unforgettable moments, I met many people and I won many friends. I'm going to miss them all, but I'm sure I'll be back.

How to teach children?

While many people find teaching children to be rewarding, some will tell you that it’s just plain stressful at times.
It is very important to know what I am going to teach and how I am going to teach. For example, would you use the same approach to teach a child how to tie their shoes as you would how to do multiplication tables?  Probably not. 

To teach children you have to take into account the age and context in which they are.
From there, you can choose teaching methods and techniques that are right for them.  

  • To help your visual learner grasp concepts faster, teach them through pictures, icons, charts, diagrams, and color coded information. 
  • Making up a story or a song with the directions or the main concepts of the lesson will help this type of learner succeed. 
  • Copying down phrases and words, taking their own notes during lectures, reading out loud, listening to audio recordings, and discussions are effective teaching methods and techniques for this type of learner. 
  • Encourage kids to build, create, act things out, and experience what they are learning. 

Children are versatile.You will be surprised how fast they can learn something once you teach to their learning style.

Differences between cooperative and collaborative learning

Collaborative learning is a method of teaching and learning in which students team together to explore a significant question or create a meaningful project. A group of students discussing a lecture or students from different schools working together over the Internet on a shared assignment are both examples of collaborative learning.

In cooperative learning, students work together in small groups on a structured activity. They are individually accountable for their work, and the work of the group as a whole is also assessed. Cooperative groups work face-to-face and learn to work as a team.

In small groups, students can share strengths and also develop their weaker skills. They develop their interpersonal skills. They learn to deal with conflict. 
The most important things in cooperative learning are:
  • Students need to feel safe, but also challenged. 
  • Groups need to be small enough that everyone can contribute. 
  • The task students work together on must be clearly defined.